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Adapting to a Land of Fabric Face Masks... YOU'RE DOING GREAT!

28 / Aug / 2020
5 min read
From unsolicited seeds sent in the post as a suspected attack on Australia's food source, to conflicting "expert" opinions on reusable fabric face masks... How much can one human possibly digest in a land of COVID-19?   [spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom="no" pb_border_bottom="no" width="2/3" el_position="first"] Remember “daily routines”? (Nevermind… Neither do we.) These days, seeing through a loose plan of a rough idea you had a second ago feels like a long-term WIN amidst the neverending changes that COVID-19 presents. Even our questions have changed… Did you ever think you’d be searching “where to buy face masks”, “NSW COVID-19 hotspot” or “fine for breaking curfew in Victoria”? Oh here’s another pre-deadly-disease memory… Remember how FORD MILLINERY is a designer headwear label? Today, we are also a leading Australian manufacturer of full face plastic face shields used by medical professionals. Of course. (image by Ryan Stewart) Navigating the conflicting opinions that are broadcast by the media about which fabric face masks are best has become near impossible… Everybody has an “expert opinion”, yet they all seem to negate the next. Balancing the fear of Virgin Active giving you a strike for cancelling a class due to the fear of catching COVID-19 is now a real thought. Yesterday, there were reports of a suspected biological attack on Australia’s food sources due to seeds being mysteriously received in the post. Guys… I don’t know how to make a mask for that.  

Adapting is hard and amidst all the huge and tiny changes, we want to say, “WE ARE ALL DOING AMAZINGLY!” 

  We are not a news source... Obviously. But as we now move in the super glamourous circle that is PPE (personal protective equipment) *insert sarcasm here*, we do find ourselves in a position to share some helpful insights along the way. Which is what bring us to this part of our website… In the near future, we will try to share more from our strange new world, designed to help you through these odd mask-ish times (and potentially even keep us sane). For example:
  •         How to wash or sanitise a reusable fabric face mask.
  •         Latest advice or guidelines on wearing masks.
  •         Reusable masks VS Disposable masks
  •         How to clean a reusable plastic face shield
Sounds boring, huh? In true FORD MILLINERY style, we will aim to add our own flare as best we can (and we invite you to ask questions or share ideas to Speaking of flare, to view our range of (fashionable- if we do say so ourselves) eco-friendly reusable face masks, click here. 5% of all mask sales goes to a mate in need – which is a helluva nice thing you are doing (we are just the donation mule). Until next tim, stay safe, lovely humans! FORD MILLINERY x [/spb_text_block] [spb_products title="SOME OF OUR FAVE FABRIC MASKS" asset_type="selected-products" products="21356, 20956, 21561, 20957, 21784, 21355" columns="2" carousel="no" product_size="standard" item_count="6" width="1/3" el_position="last"]